Lemon Myrtle Cleanser: $54.95 for 200g
What it is and what it's supposed to do:
This cleanser is suitable for sensitive skin and is 'light and refreshing' (it smells as though it may just be). This has the consistency of moisturiser and smells of lemon. It does contain sandalwood - which I can't stand, but you can't smell it so good for those who aren't fans of bloody sandalwood! This one is full of anti-oxidants and is supposed to have an anti-inflammatory effect. For more information visit their product description hereMy experience of it:
I really enjoyed using this cleanser. I loved the scent and it was very light and refreshing, great for the warmer months. It removed make up fairly well, although like I have previously said, I use waterproof mascara and eyeliner so it's a real challenge to get it all off for any product. All in all, I really enjoyed using this.
What is it and what is it supposed to do:
This is a day cream which protects the skin from the environment and dehydration. It contains natural mineral sunscreen and is suitable for dry or sun-damaged skin. This cream looks like moisturiser and smells of lavender (not my favourite scent as those of you who read this review know, but I will try to reserve judgement until I've tried it!) For more information visit their product description hereMy Experience of it
This was a nice moisturising day cream. It smells of lavender which isn't my thing but the smell is faint and doesn't last long once it's rubbed in. It did a sting around my nose when I first put it on, but this didn't last long either. It left my skin feeling nice and soft.Intense Hydrating Cream:$69.96 for 60g
What it is and what it's supposed to do:
This is a cream for dry or sun-damaged skin and can be used as a day or night cream. I will be using this as a night cream as I already have the anti-oxidant cream for use during the day. This yellow moisturiser smells of lemon as well. I freakin love the smell of lemon in my moisturisers so a big win there! It will apparently sooth sun-damaged, dry skin which is great as my skin needs this. They also state that it ' may help soften the look of fine lines and wrinkles'. I'm not going to be using this long enough to comment on its effect on wrinkles. For more information visit their product description here
My Experience of it:
This cream had a lovely lemony scent which I found to be very pleasing. It left my skin feeling really soft the morning after use which made waking up exciting! It stung when first put on as well. While writing this, I also used up the rest on my hands. I have got to say that I like it. My hands feel delightful and they smell of lemon (no stinging either). Win!White Clay Mask: RRP $59.95 for 70g
What is is and what it's supposed to do:
This mask can be used just before a night out, or once per week generally. It is supposed to leave skin cleansed and luminous and be refreshing. It is suitable for all skin types. It has a thick moisturiser-type consistency and you just paint it onto your face. I found that this product stings quite a lot when you first put it on - its almost a burning sensation for me. When you purchase the sample set this came in, you are warned about this sensation which is great as it would be very distressing if you weren't ready for it. Fortunately it doesn't last long and when it wears off it feels quite nice. They suggest you do a spot test if you are unsure. You leave it on for 12-15 minutes. It dries quite stiff but doesn't feel overly tight which is nice. It doesn't have much of a smell which is great. For more information visit their product description here.My experience of it:
I found that the day after I used this product my face felt amazingly soft. My husband and I literally could not stop rubbing my cheeks. It was almost a shame to cleanse and moisturise but I wanted to follow the suggested plan to the letter so I could give a relevant review. Left to myself I would probably just leave my face as is because it was incredible! I used this product twice and my experience was the same both times.The Verdict:
I really enjoyed trialling these products. I was really impressed with the White Clay Mask and would have to say that one was my favourite. Whilst I was OK with the stinging sensation for the clay mask, I was less so for the two moisturisers. Probably just because the mask is a weekly product, however having my moisturisers sting my face twice a day was getting to me a bit by the end of the week. Having said that, I think that if the stinging doesn't bother you you'd be more than happy with these products - just as I am with the mask.I'm fairly sold on the mask and the cleanser but will be looking at the moisturising oils/serums Cactus Skincare have on offer to take the place of the two creams so as to avoid the twice daily sting.
Cactus Skincare offer a percentage off which increases with every additional product you buy - details are available on their website and I would recommend checking this out.
I would also strongly recommend trying the sample pack! It's great value and the bundle price reductions mean that if you don't like one product, you can replace it with another and still save money.
I would also like to note that the customer service is incredibly good. I had a question, it was answered the same day and a solution offered.
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Note: I paid for these products using my own money and have not been approached to do this review. These are my opinions and should not be regarded as anything other than that.