
the hag
Ok, I have been a Mum for two and half years and am studying part-time and working part-time. Suffice it to say that I haven't really had time to take much care of myself. I looked in the mirror one day - something I usually avoid - and realised that I'm starting to look old and a bit of a trolley lady. As you can imagine, this was a bit shit. That day I threw myself into searching for a solution 

procrastination you say?
Now, hold onto your hats. I don't want to shock you. There's this thing called a 'beauty subscription' where people send beauty samples to your door. Well, who would ever believe it!? Crazy! This, I thought, would be perfect. I hate shopping at the best of times and with a two year old i'm in serious danger of losing my cool. I also have no clue what beauty products to buy/try and I've never really had money to spend on this sort of stuff. I actually have no idea what toner is or what it's supposed to do. I have some, and I like it. Still don't know though. Meh.

plan of action
So I subscribed to both Bella Box and Lust Have It. After more research and some Facebook stalking I unsubscribed from these two boxes as I thought they might be a bit junky for what I'm looking for. I still got the August box for both of these, and I was happy with both of them (even though they arrived in September!) but I want something a bit more exciting. I have since subscribed to Violet Box, Nature's Beauty Bag and Marie Claire's-The Parcel. I'm very excited. Fingers crossed this is the beginning of my 'de-haggification'. 
I have now unsubscribed from Violet Box as they got involved with Sports Bet and released a box requiring an account be opened and a bet made, which I just couldn't support. It's a pity as I was very excited about their boxes. Nature's Beauty Bag has now become a one-off purchase service where you purchase the bags when available. I will certainly be doing so as I really enjoyed the one I've already had. I'm now subscribed to Native Beauty Box which is a quarterly subscription and I have also jumped on the Memebox bandwagon and am eagerly awaiting my first box. I wanted exciting and I feel that this will deliver.  

Let me know if you subscribe/purchase to any boxes and how you've found them/the products/customer service. 

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