A couple of days ago I received my very first Native Beauty Box and I was very excited to try it. There was a good variety of products, although I was (and still am) a little disappointed that there were no make-up items. I've been dying to try some cruelty-free brands. There was also no information included regarding where you can purchase the items and no company websites provided. I suppose they are all available in their online shop. In any case, here's what was in the box:
Natralus Aloe Vera Gel: RRP: $4.45 for 30ml.
I got two 2 ml sample sachets. I have received a 20ml sample tube in my September Nature's Beauty Bag so I already know I like this product. It is 100% Aloe Vera and doesn't leave that aweful sticky residue other comparable products do. I have put these sachets in my two most-used handbags for hot summer outings.
Sukin Hand and Nail Cream:
On the leaflet it says that this was supposed to be Hydrating Body Lotion RRP: $12.95 for 250ml. I am actually very happy with the hand cream. I already have the body lotion and a number of other Sukin products, but have never tried this product so I'm much happier with this one. It is a nice, faint almost jaffa-y scent and absorbs well without leaving skin feeling greasy.
Nature's Organics Sensitive Face Scrub: RRP $6.95 for 100ml
Not sure if the full size of 100ml is a typo as I received a whopping 150ml of this stuff. It is a very thick exfoliating scrub which lathers nicely. The exfoliating beads are small and gentle so you don't scratch your face while getting a good lather up. It is also scentless and leaves skin feeling soft and clean.I've been using this daily for a few days and I really like how
creamy it feels. I think for this price I would definitly re-purchase
this product.
Australian Bush Flower Essences Love System Gentle Face Wash Serum: RRP: $19.95 for 200ml
This is a 20ml sample. It has a runny, shampoo-like consistency and smells of lemon with a hint of honey-ness to it. This hint of honey transforms it from being a light feeling cleanser to feeling quite heavy so it would be great for the cooler months. I personally think it might be a bit heavy for hot weather. It also kind of smells to me a bit like cough lollies (probably doesn't help that I currenlty have a cold!). This one cleanses like any other cleanser so I don't really have too much to say about that.
Gypsy Rose 2 in 1 Shampoo (with bonus face soap and DVD): RRP $17.90 for 200ml.
I'm not sure how much is in the sample I got but it does seem to quite a generous one. It claims to be pH balancing and doesn't require conditioner. It is also meant to increase time required between washes. I must admit that this product doesn't really appeal to me. It's quite a murky, watery looking thing and you have to do two washes normally and three for the first time (may as well be conditioning)The brochure is difficult to read and I won't be watching the DVD as I barely have time to write this up. I will update this if I do end up using it but it seems to be labour-intensive to me and I like my current Sukin shampoo and conditioner. I know it seems ridiculous to not use something you get but it just looks a little weird and I don't like how poorly written the brochure is (it lacks clarity). It just doesn't instill me with the necessary faith in the product I need to actually put it on my head. I think I will need to see some reviews before I use this one. I will probably use the face soap though and will update this once I've given it a go.
Go Green At Home Eco Toothbrush: RRP $39.95 for 12
So excited about this product. I actually really wanted to get one of these babies but didn't think that I would given how expensive they are. It's bamboo with black bristles. They head is quite small and has a soft-medium strength brisle. I love this baby. It seems to massage my gums a bit more than my usual toothbrush and just feels nicer to hold as well. I'm a little disappointed that it has been made in China as I thought all the products in this box were made in Australia. I love this toothbrush though, it's excellent and looks amazing!
Pure by Phytocare Pure Papya Ointment with Lip Applicator: RrP: $5.95 for 10g
This is a full-size itme which soothes, moiturises and protects your lips. It is a nice, thick texture, slightly thinner than paw paw ointment and conseqently a little less heavy. It has only a very faint smell which is quite pleasant. I needed a lip treatment so I am very happy to receive this. I also really like the applicator and the packaging is attractive as well. I sometimes find paw paw ointment a little heavy and greasy so this one is much nicer to use.
Anerah Skincare Rejuvenating Mineral Mask: RRP: $22.00 for 30ml
I'm not sure how much this is as its a powder and has no weight written on it. You just mix a teaspoon of it with waster and paint it on. I've not used this one yet but I have used clay masks in the past and found them to be brilliant so I'm very excited about this product. I'll update this once I've given it a go.
The Verdict
I'm very pleased with what I've recieved in this box. It think it's a great value box with a wide range of products. I like that there are some full size products in there and all the samples are very generous sizes.
I like the philosophy behind this box. The only thing I'm not 100% happy with is the lack of a make-up item, especially when there are great Australian companies who meet the requirements (Cherry Brown, Maeve Cosmetics, Adorn Cosmetics). This is a new box however, so hopefully there will be a cosmetic appearance in the future. I must say that I'm excited to see what the Summer box will bring.
If you are interested in purchasing the Native Beauty Box or any of the products included in this box, check out their website:
Have you received this box before?
What did you think?
What is your favourite product?
I paid for these products using my own money and have not been
approached to do this review. These are my opinions and should not be
regarded as anything other than that.
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