25 Sept 2014

Corman Organyc: Pad & Pantie Liner Review

sorry about the terrible photo, overcast today!

Yes, this is a review of sanitary products. I know it's not something everyone wants to read about but this is actually important to me as I am allergic to most options out there. In the spirit of honesty, I'm going to be as explicit as I need to to get my point across so if you don't want to read about it, I suggest you stop now. 


I received these samples in my September '14 Nature's Beauty Bag. (see what else I got here) I was quite excited to try these out as I suffer an allergic reaction to sanitary products EVERY SINGLE month. I currently use TOMS products which are the best I have found so far, however I still react to these. I use tampons during the day, but don't like to use them at night as I just don't think it's healthy. As anyone who has ever had an itchy allergic reaction can imagine, this does not make for a good night's sleep. 

This company offers a full range of sanitary products which are 100% certified organic cotton. They are breathable and biodegradable. They are hypoallergenic and don't contain any plastic - this refers to the packaging also. They appear to be comparable to all other products of this type as far as pricing goes ($6.95ea).  Both the product and the packaging do feel different to the touch than similar products, and even to my TOMS products which are also 100% organic cotton.

I only received 1 pad and 1 liner so my experience of them is fairly limited. ~~~ Warning, this is where I actually talk about using these items, how taboo! ~~~ 
I decided that I would wear the pantie liner during the day at work. I was also using a tampon but I just wanted to see how my skin would react to it. It pretty much didn't. This is a five hour shift of walking around in a warm atmosphere so that's pretty good. I used the pad that night after getting home from work and slept it it. Again, I didn't appear to have a reaction. This is really very good because I usually have to remove a pad half way through the night after the itching has kept me up all night.  They are also very comfortable to wear.

I must say that I am impressed. I would stress however, that I have only used 1 of each item so I can't say that I would never have a reaction. I will say that my lack of a reaction is very promising. I will be purchasing these products, and the tampons to give them all a go. If I do find myself reacting, I will update this post.
I also think that these products would be suitable to people who just want to use as natural a product as they can. Given the way in which tampons in particular are used, the fewer chemicals the better.

If anyone reading this suffers from the same problem I do and has found a product that works, share it with me please!

Have you used Corman Organyc products before?
What did you think?
What is your favourite product?
Note: I paid for these products using my own money and have not been approached to do this review. These are my opinions and should not be regarded as anything other than that.  

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